that's a cow

that's a cow

Super milky, super destructive & super fun game

You play as a small cow that can fly on its own jet of milk. Rotate the cow to give her flight direction. Use the milk jet to move faster, fly higher, push physical objects, overcome various obstacles and defeat enemies with plungers.

About that's a cow

  • that's a cow - Super milky, super destructive & super fun game.
  • that's a cow was listed under Android .
  • Android - one of the fastest growing platforms of all time, the little green bot lives in your pocket and does just about anything.
  • Visit Tiny Alternatives for more updates about that's a cow.
  • Check top 10 alternatives to that's a cow on Tiny Alternatives
  • Tiny Alternatives is the best place to find that's a cow alternatives .
  • that's a cow was first published on 2022-08-14 13:00:12