ChatGPT takes the wheel: let AI plan your next adventure with Expedia

Expedia has announced the integration of its chatbot tool powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT to help users plan their travel within its mobile app. This integration with OpenAI was announced a couple of weeks ago, but now it is also available for mobile users. With this feature, users can converse with ChatGPT to get recommendations on destinations, hotels, transportation, and activities.

The ChatGPT integration goes a step further by automatically favoriting hotels that are recommended during the conversation. Expedia's CTO, Rathi Murthy, believes that the ChatGPT plugin and in-app ChatGPT combo will enable them to meet their travelers wherever they are and make booking travel more convenient. Expedia is not alone in this, as rival travel company Kayak has also announced a ChatGPT plugin.

By leveraging ChatGPT's conversational AI, companies like Expedia and Kayak are looking to make booking travel easier and more convenient. With the help of OpenAI's latest Large Language Model (LLM) GPT-4, chatbots have become more advanced and natural in their conversations. This trend is not limited to the travel industry, as more companies are adopting ChatGPT's conversational AI to enhance their user experience. The integration of ChatGPT into Expedia's mobile app is a significant step forward for the travel industry, as it shows how chatbots can make the process of planning and booking a trip more seamless and personalized.
