Effortless blogging from your inbox

Pagecord is a minimalist blogging app managed entirely by email. It's great for long-form writing, but also for micro-blogging your thoughts.

Compose in your favourite email editor and click send. Pagecord does the rest.

How it works

All you need is an email account. No new tools to wrangle. No password to forget.

Write your posts in your email client and send them to the unique Pagecord email address we give you. That's it! Your posts will be published automatically.

Watch the video below to see it in action. Also check out the Pagecord page for an example.

It's FREE (but you can pay for premium features)

Pagecord is free to use ✨

You can choose to pay an annual fee of $35 for premium features such as full image support, custom domains and human support. It's a great deal!

Pagecord - Effortless blogging from your inbox | Product Hunt