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Base64 Encoder & Decoder

Fast, easy, and safe tool to encode and decode base64

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What is Base64?

Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data using a set of 64 different ASCII characters. It is commonly used to encode data, such as text, images, and files, into a text format so that it can be safely transmitted or stored in systems that may not support binary data.

Why Base64 is used?

Base64 is valuable when there is a need to represent different kinds of data in a text-based environment. It allows data to be safely transmitted or stored without the risk of data corruption or compatibility issues.

Does this tool support the encoding of files or images?

Yes, our Base64 Encoder & Decoder tool supports the encoding of files and images. You can encode any file or image e.g. PNG, JPG, SVG, etc. to base64.

Does this tool support the encoding and decoding of Unicode characters?

Yes, our Base64 Encoder & Decoder tool supports encoding and decoding of Unicode characters such as emojis and non-Latin text. Encode 🤎