Freeter - The Organizer for

A smarter way to work on your computer. Read why.

For Linux, Windows, Mac OS

Switch between tasks and projects like a superhero

Gather everything you need for work in one place, organized by projects and workflows, and have a quick access to them.


Stay focused on a project

Freeter helps you to set boundaries between projects and focus on what matters at any given moment. Select a project using the project drop-down menu and work on it without being distracted by irrelevant things.


Quickly access everything you need

Use Freeter widgets to set up a workflow providing a quick access to everything you need for your work.

Workflow Examples

Webpage Widget

Use web apps efficiently

Embed all apps you use daily into your Freeter workflows using the webpage widget, and access them from one window. If you tired of switching between accounts, the widget also enables you to stay signed-in with different accounts on per-project, per-workflow or per-widget basis.

Web App Examples

File Opener Widget

Open project files in the editor

Use the file opener widget to open all project files and folders in your editing programs with a single click.

Web Query Widget

Search the web like a ninja

Use the web query widget to quickly perform templated queries with a web search engine or any other website.

To-Do List Widget

Add quick to-do lists

Stop keeping checklists and to-do lists in your head. Let the to-do list widget remember them for you.

Commander Widget

Stop retyping command lines

If you need to enter the same commands in the terminal app frequently, use the commander widget to execute them with an easy click.

Timer Widget

Break work into intervals

Use the timer widget to setup a simple countdown timer that will help you to get things done by staying focused for short periods.

Note Widget

Write quick notes

Need to write a quick idea or keep an important note in front of you? Use the note widget to place it on the workflow screen.

Workflow Tabs

Organize your workflows

If your project involves activities that can be isolated from each other, or contains sub-projects, or there are too many widgets for a single workflow screen, then split it into multiple workflows and navigate between them using tabs.


Organize common things

When there are some things you need to have constant access to, regardless of the current project or workflow, such as a timer, place them on the Shelf.

UI Theme

Switch to the dark theme

By default, the app uses the light color theme. If you prefer dark themes, then you can switch to it.


No telemetry/tracking

Freeter respects your privacy. The app does not collect nor transmit telemetry, usage tracking or any other data.


Free Open Source Software

Freeter is Free and Open Source Software, forever. Released under the GNU General Public License.

The superpower is literally at your fingertips

Just press the Ctrl or ⌘+Shift+F hotkey to access Freeter from anywhere.

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For Linux, Windows, Mac OS

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