How to migrate to GA4 →

Automate Google Analytics 4 Reporting in a few clicks.

  • Efficiently track Goals and Conversions.
  • Understand audience behavior better.
  • Get detailed AI-powered insights.
Trusted by 100s of marketing agencies and 1,000s of growth teams
Get automated insights from Google Analytics
Trusted by 100s of marketing agencies and 1,000s of growth teams
AI-Powered Marketing analytics

Unlock the Power of Your Marketing Data

Frustrated about Google Analytics data
Identify your most profitable channels
Get a clear picture of your traffic
Analyze your conversion funnels
Automate GA4 reports
Are you tired of spending hours analyzing your marketing data and still not getting the insights you need to make informed decisions? Narrative BI is here to help. Our all-in-one marketing analytics platform automatically generates insights from your GA4 data and turns raw data into natural language reports and narratives.
AI generated insights from GA4

More than just
Google Analytics 4 reporting

Our platform goes beyond just presenting you with raw data. Narrative BI transforms your marketing data into easy-to-understand GA4 reports and narratives, that provide clear and concise insights. These narratives enable you to quickly identify trends, spot opportunities, and make data-driven decisions that drive growth for your business.
Main screen of Narrative BI for Google ADS
Not convinced yet? Listen to our customers
Become a happy customer
Zee Schwab

I don’t need to spend my time in Google Analytics anymore!

The platform automatically generates the feed of only relevant insights that I can easily implement in my marketing and product activities as a founder. All alerts are in natural language, so I can clearly communicate them to my team or discuss right in Narrative BI. Can’t wait to see new features and data sources!
Curt Cuscino

Encapsulates Marketing + Advertising Performance Data to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Google Analytics 4 is ultra-powerful when it comes to managing our clients’ MarTech stacks, but it’s easy to get lost in the overwhelming amount of data there. Narrative has given us a way to get “just the good stuff”, and the most important metrics we need for making daily decisions on behalf of my agency’s clients from Analytics to Ad Spends. The condensed insights we get from Narrative are incredibly helpful, and now indispensable in our daily mix of tools.
Jens Polomski

Just the data you really need, plus valuable alerts that you might miss.

As much as I love tools like Google Analytics 4, sometimes they are just too complicated and with all the buzz it's easy to miss important developments of your most important metrics. Narrative makes it super easy to point out insights that you will miss with all the different filters, combinations, dimensions and metrics. Even though not every new alert or narrative is useful, the system will get better and learn from your feedback!
HypeLife Brands
JENS MARKETING Online Marketing Tools

Effortlessly track, report, and analyze your data with Narrative BI

Our analytics platform instantly tracks all your marketing channels, including SEO, social media, email marketing, PPC, and advertising platforms.
All the Google Analytics metrics under one roof

Automated GA4 Analytics

Get a holistic view of only the most important campaign data.
Natural language generation

Natural Language Generation

Your reports are delivered in plain English, so you can instantly apply those insights.
Visual representation of alert message in Narrative BI for Google Analytics

Anomaly Detection Alerts

Narrative BI will instantly notify you and alert when there are unusual trends in your data.
Scheduled reports

Automated Google Analytics Reports

Receive automated marketing reports via email every day, week, or month.
In-narrative collaboration

Detailed Conversion Insights

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers' conversion journey, identify optimization opportunities, and boost your conversion rates with confidence.
Slack integration

Seamless Slack Integration

No team member has to miss out. Receive relevant growth insights directly in Slack.

... and many more features to help you succeed...

Google Analytics anomaly detection insights
Get started now

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Narrative BI?

Narrative BI is an all-in-one marketing analytics platform for growth, marketing, sales, and product teams in every company, including agencies. It automatically generates insights from marketing channels and turns them into reports (narratives).

How do you report marketing data?

Narrative BI connects to your digital marketing channels, including social media, email marketing, website, etc., and allows you to analyze and report on your performance metrics in one place. Narrative BI automatically generates GA4 reports monthly, weekly and daily. No more manually logging data into spreadsheets and exporting the spreadsheets to another analytics software before you can get actionable insights.

What data is provided in Narrative BI’s marketing reports?

We help you focus on your most important marketing metrics and update you on data anomalies, so you can easily track and analyze your campaign’s performance. Some of the core metrics include:

  • Users
  • Revenue
  • Pageviews
  • Sessions
  • Engagement rate 
  • Conversions
  • Events

How many data sources can I connect?

Our free plan supports one Google Analytics 4 instance per team. You can connect up to 15 sources on our premium plans. If you need more sources, don't hesitate to contact our team: [email protected].

How is Narrative BI different from other GA4 reporting tools?

Narrative BI doesn't stop at surface-level analytics. Our platform provides you with in-depth intelligence on your marketing efforts, allowing you to dig deeper into your data and uncover hidden patterns and opportunities. We proactively find anomalies and outliers and provide actionable recommendations and automated reports.

Does Narrative BI need full access to my Google account?

We don't need full access to your personal Google account. We request only the necessary permissions needed to download data from your Google Analytics 4 account for generating your reports.

Is my marketing data safe?

Narrative BI is verified by Google and provides advanced security protocols out of the box. It runs on private networks with the best encryption protocols for transferring data and key storage. On top of that, we monitor our servers constantly to detect any suspicious activity. Your privacy and the safety of your data is our top priority. We also do not engage in unethical practices such as selling customer data.

Can’t find the answers you’re looking for? You can reach out to our friendly team!

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